Dedicated IP addresses & Refund policies
  1. Dedicated IP Addresses Policy
    1. All Sales are final for services with dedicated IP Addresses. No refunds
    2. All dedicated IP addresses are clean from abuse, spam and hacking blacklists, if your dedicated ip address gets blacklisted due to your actions or non-actions your service will be terminated and there will be No refunds
    3. Customers with repeated blacklisted dedicated ip addresses will be baned forever from using our services.
    4. Dedicated IP address can be chosen right after the payment
    5. You can choose your Dedicated IP address once per billing period
    6. When service is bought with Dedicated IP address option, until it fully expires - it have to be renewed with dedicated IP address option. When it fully expires you can cancel dedicated IP address option
  2. Refunds
    1. All sales are final - no refunds
    2. There will be no refunds for
      1. Services with dedicated IP address option
      2. You have got banned from online service due to VPN/PROXY usage
      3. You can't use service XXX because they did not allow VPN/PROXY to communicate with them
      4. You can't use our services due to blockage from your internet provider, internet caffe, mobile or Wi-Fi network, etc
      5. You can't use our services due to your hardware/software incompatibilities with our systems
      6. It's forbidden to use VPN/PROXY in your country
    3. You can ask for refund at the start of the service usage, refund may be granted on the sole discretion of the site operators when your request does not violate this policy